4.1 Plots matter as much as stats

Before we get started:

  1. There are few statistical tests that hold intuitive meaning to our readers. The ability to present information in a visually meaningful way to the reader can help to make the interpretation of your science crystal clear without having to worry about whether or not your reader has the faculties to interpret the results of some fancy statistical test that you think is cool.

  2. Effects and effect sizes are often (if not always) more important than the ability to detect ‘significant’ differences. If you can present clear evidence that some treatment or manipulation confers a biologically meaningful change in a visual way alongside these tests, you can provide a much stronger body of evidence with which to argue your case.

  3. There are a few graphical tools that are very useful for basic data exploration, diagnostics, etc., that can make your life a lot easier for data analysis and interpretation. They can also help you decide whether something has gone terribly wrong.

The takeaway here is: don’t make shitty graphs.