2.2 Vector operations

A lot of data manipulation in R is based on logical checks like the ones shown above. We can take these one step further to actually perform what one might think of as a “query” to select certain elements of a vector that satisfy some condition.

For example, we can reference specific elements of vectors directly. Here, we specify that we want to print the third element of a.

# This one just prints it
## [1] 3

We might want to store that value to a new object f that is easier to read and type out.

# This one stores it in a new object
# f is way easier to type than a
f <- a[3]


If it is not yet obvious, we have to assign the output of functions to new objects for the values to be usable in the future. In the example above, a is never actually changed. This is a common source of confusion early on.

Going further, we could select vector elements based on some condition. On the first line of code below, we tell R to show us the indices of the elements in vector b that match the character string c. Out loud, we would say, “b where the value of b is equal to c” in the first example. We can also use built-in R functions to just store the indices for all elements of b where b is equal to the character string "c".

b[b == "c"]
## [1] c
## Levels: a b c d e
which(b == "c")
## [1] 3

Perhaps more practically speaking, we can do elementwise operations on vectors easily in R. Here are a bunch of different things that you might be interested in doing with the objects that we’ve created so far. Give a few of these a try.

a * .5 # Multiplication
a + 100 # Addition
a - 3 # Subtraction
a / 2 # Division
a^2 # Exponentiation
exp(a) # Same as "e to the a"
log(a) # Natural logarithm
log10(a) # Log base 10

If we change b to character, we can do string manipulation, too!

# Convert b to character
b <- as.character(b)

We can append text. Remember, the examples below will just print the result. We would have to overwrite b or save it to a new object if we wanted to be able to use the result somewhere else later.

# Paste an arbitrary string on to b
paste(b, "AAAA", sep = "")
## [1] "aAAAA" "bAAAA" "cAAAA" "dAAAA" "eAAAA"
# We can do it the other way
paste("AAAA", b, sep = "")
## [1] "AAAAa" "AAAAb" "AAAAc" "AAAAd" "AAAAe"
# Add symbols to separate
paste("AAAA", b, sep = "--")
## [1] "AAAA--a" "AAAA--b" "AAAA--c" "AAAA--d" "AAAA--e"
# We can replace text
gsub(pattern = "c", replacement = "AAAA", b)
## [1] "a"    "b"    "AAAA" "d"    "e"
# Make a new object
e <- paste("AAAA", b, sep = "")

# Print to console
## [1] "AAAAa" "AAAAb" "AAAAc" "AAAAd" "AAAAe"
# We can strip text
# (or dates, or times, etc.)
substr(e, start = 5, stop = 5)
## [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e"

We can check how many elements are in a vector.

# A has a length of 5,
# try it and check it
## [1] 5
# Yup, looks about right
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5

And we can do lots of other nifty things. We can also bind multiple vectors together into a rectangular matrix. Say what?