13.1 Introduction

This week we continue our exploration of generalized linear models and their implementation and interpretation in R. We will continue to investigate the flexible formulation of GLM for use with count models. By the end of this week, you should have a reasonable understanding of why we might use different kinds of count models, how to use them, and what the results mean. We will dive back into the world of residual diagnostics again this week to look at a few different tools that we have at our disposal for GLM.

We’ll keep working with the tidyverse this week. But, we’ll also check out some utilities from the MASS and boot, packages to demonstrate new techniques. You’ll probably need to install boot before you can load it, but we’ve worked with the others already. Go ahead and load them all when you’re ready.

library(tidyverse) # For all the good stuff in life
library(boot) # For inv.logit() function
library(MASS) # For negative.binomial family in glm()