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Adult straying (homing) routine for Atlantic salmon in the Dam Impact Analysis (DIA) model v67 during year 6.


run_straying(returns, straying_matrix)



Total number of fish returning to river by production unit.


A matrix identical in structure to the built-in straying_matrix dataset.


A vector containing a number of adults of starting total (sum of all 15 production units) that end up in each PU after straying.


Nieland JL, Sheehan TF. 2020. Quantifying the Effects of Dams on Atlantic Salmon in the Penobscot River Watershed, with a Focus on Weldon Dam. US Department of Commerce, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 19-16, Woods Hole, MA.

Nieland JL, Sheehan TF, Saunders R. 2015. Assessing demographic effects of dams on diadromous fish: a case study for Atlantic salmon in the Penobscot River, Maine. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72:2423–2437.

Nieland JL, Sheehan TF, Saunders R, Murphy JS, Trinko Lake TR, Stevens JR. 2013. Dam Impact Analysis model for Atlantic salmon in the Penobscot River, Maine. US Department of Commerce, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 13-09, Woods Hole, MA.

See also

straying_matrix, straying_locations


# Run for 10,000 random fish returning to each PU
run_straying(returns = rep(1e4, 15), straying_matrix = dia::straying_matrix)
#>  [1]  9800 10300 10990 10390  9210 10090 10090 12890 10220 10800     0  7380
#> [13]     0  9240 28600