Downstream data for Sebec
Alden research estimates of downstream survival from the Atlantic salmon Dam Impact analysis model v67. Estimates are based on in-river flow.
A dataframe with 745 observations of 4 variables
flow_cfs Value of flow (discharge)
cumulative_prob Cumulative flow probability
flow_prob Probability of individual flow value
smolt_surv_prob Smolt survival probability given flow
Nieland JL, Sheehan TF, Saunders R. 2015. Assessing demographic effects of dams on diadromous fish: a case study for Atlantic salmon in the Penobscot River, Maine. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72:2423–2437.
Nieland JL, Sheehan TF, Saunders R, Murphy JS, Trinko Lake TR, Stevens JR. 2013. Dam Impact Analysis model for Atlantic salmon in the Penobscot River, Maine. US Department of Commerce, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Reference Document 13-09, Woods Hole, MA.