Simulate population dynamics through time.
Use functions from anadrofish
to simulate
population change through time relative to upstream and downstream
passage probabilities and uncertainty in life-history information.
species = c("ALE", "AMS", "BBH"),
nyears = 50,
max_age = NULL,
nM = NULL,
fM = 0,
n_init = runif(1, 1e+06, 8e+08),
spawnRecruit = NULL,
eggs = NULL,
sr = 0.5,
b = 0.21904,
s_juvenile = NULL,
upstream = 1,
downstream = 1,
downstream_j = 1,
output_years = c("last", "all"),
age_structured_output = FALSE,
sex_specific = TRUE,
custom_habitat = NULL
- species
Species for which population dynamics will be simulated. Choices include American shad (
), alewife ("ALE"
), and blueback herring ("BBH"
).- nyears
Number of years for simulation.
- river
River basin. Available rivers implemented in package can be viewed by calling
with no arguments (e.g.,get_rivers()
). Alternatively, the user can specifyrivers = sample(get_rivers, 1)
to randomly sample river within larger simulation studies. Information about each river can be found in thehabitat
dataset.- max_age
Maximum age of fish in population. If
(default), then based on the maximum age of females for the corresponding region in themax_ages
dataset.- nM
Instantaneous natural mortality. If
(default), then based on the average of males and females for the corresponding region in themortality
dataset.- fM
Instantaneous fishing mortality. The default value is zero.
- n_init
Initial population seed (number of Age-1 individuals) used to simulate the starting population. Default is to use a draw from a wide uniform distribution, but it may be beneficial to narrow once expectations for abundance at population stability are determined.
- spawnRecruit
Probability of recruitment to spawn at age. If
(default), then probabilities are based on the mean of male and female recruitment to first spawn at age from thematurity
dataset.- eggs
Number of eggs per female. Can be a vector of length 1 if eggs per female is age invariant, or can be vector of length
if age-specific. IfNULL
(default) then estimated based on weight-batch fecundity regression relationships for each life-history region in theolney_mcbride
dataset (Olney and McBride 2003) and mean number of batches spawned (6.1 +/- 2.1, McBride et al. 2016) usingmake_eggs
for American shad or parameters from Sullivan et al. (2019) for river herring.- sr
Sex ratio (expressed as percent female or P(female)).
- b
Density-dependent parameter for the Beverton-Holt stock-recruitment relationship. The default value (
) is used to approximate a larval carrying capacity at 100 adult fish per acre based on fecundity American shad and river herring. A value of about 0.05 approximates a carrying capacity that corresponds to about 500 adult fish per acre.- s_juvenile
Survival from hatch to outmigrant. If NULL (default) then simulated from a (log) normal distribution using mean and sd of
through70 d
for 1979-1982 from Crecco et al. (1983) increcco_1983
.- upstream
Numeric of length 1 representing proportional upstream passage through dams.
- downstream
Numeric of length 1 indicating proportional downstream survival through dams.
- downstream_j
Numeric of length 1 indicating proportional downstream survival through dams for juveniles.
- output_years
Temporal level of detail provided in output. The default value of '
' returns the final year of simulation. Any value other than the default 'last
' will return data for all years of simulation. This is useful for testing.- age_structured_output
Should population and spawner abundance in the output dataframe be age-structured? If
(default), thenpop
(non-spawning population) andspawners
(spawning population) are summed across all age classes for each year of simulation. IfTRUE
are returned for each age class. For the sake of managing outputs, abundances forpop
are reported for all age classes 1-13 regardless ofmax_age
, but all abundances for ages greater thanmax_age
are zero.- sex_specific
Whether to use sex-specific life-history data.
- custom_habitat
A dataframe containing columns corresponding to the those in the output from
. The default,NULL
uses the default habitat data set for a given combination ofspecies
A dataframe containing simulation inputs (arguments
to sim_pop
) and outputs (number of spawners) by year, minimally
including the following variables:
Name of river.region
Regional grouping, seeget_region
Governmental unit at downstream terminus of habitat
Latitude at downstream terminus of habitat unit.habitat
Amount of accessible habitat given upstream passage and river.year
year of simulation. Ifoutput_years = "last"
upstream passage through dams. Currently a single value.downstream
adult downstream survival through dams. Currently a single value.downstream_j
adult downstream survival through dams. Currently a single value.max_age_m
maximum age of males in population.max_age_m
maximum age of females in population.nM_m
instantaneous natural mortality of males.nM_f
instantaneous natural mortality of females.fM
instantaneous fishing mortality rate in population.n_init
number of adult fish used to seed
sex ratio of adults.s_juvenile
survival of juveniles from hatch to outmigrant.s_spawn_m
survival of males during upstream spawning migration.s_spawn_f
survival of females during upstream spawning migration.s_postspawn_m
survival of males after spawning.s_postspawn_f
survival of females after spawning.iteroparity
probability of repeat spawning.spawners
number of spawning adults entering river each year.pop
total population abundance prior to spawning each year.juveniles_out
number of juveniles exiting river each year.
Additional columns and years are included depending on the values passed to
, age_structured_output
Sullivan, K.M, M.M. Bailey, and D.L. Berlinksky. 2019. Digital Image Analysis as a Technique for Alewife Fecundity Estimation in a New Hampshire River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:353-361.
McBride, R. S., R. Ferreri, E. K. Towle, J. M. Boucher, and G. Basilone, G. 2016. Yolked oocyte dynamics support agreement between determinate- and indeterminate-method estimates of annual fecundity for a northeastern United States population of American shad. PLoS ONE 11(10):10.1371/journal.pone.0164203
Olney, J. E. and R. S. McBride. 2003. Intraspecific variation in batch fecundity of American shad (*Alosa sapidissima*): revisiting the paradigm of reciprocal latitudinal trends in reproductive traits. American Fisheries Society Symposium 35:185-192.
# Example usage
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Example 1. Simulate a single population one time for 50 years ----------------
# Set rng seed ----
# Simulate a single population for fifty years one time
res <- sim_pop(
species = "AMS",
nyears = 50,
river = 'Susquehanna',
fM = 0,
n_init = runif(1, 10e5, 50e6),
sr = rbeta(1, 100, 100),
upstream = 1,
downstream = 1,
downstream_j = 1,
output_years = 'all',
age_structured_output = FALSE)
# Plot the output - the result will be different for each
# simulated model run above
ggplot(res, aes(x = year, y = spawners)) +
geom_line() +
xlab("Year") +
ylab("Number of spawners")
# Example 2. Simulate a single population 100 times in parallel ----------------
# Package load ----
# Set rng seed ----
# Parallel settings ----
# Get number of cores
ncpus = parallel::detectCores() - 1
# Initialize snowfall
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = ncpus, type="SOCK")
# Wrapper function ----
sim <- function(x){
# . Call simulation ----
# Run with a single set of upstream and downstream
# dam passage probabilities
res <- sim_pop(
species = "AMS",
nyears = 50,
river = 'Susquehanna',
fM = 0,
n_init = runif(1, 8e6, 50e6),
sr = rbeta(1, 100, 100),
upstream = 1,
downstream = 1,
downstream_j = 1,
output_years = 'all',
age_structured_output = FALSE)
# . Define the output lists ----
retlist <- list(res=res)
# Parallel execution ----
# . Load libraries on workers -----
# . Distribute to workers -----
# Number of simulations to run
niterations <- 1000
# . Run the simulation ----
start <- Sys.time()
result <- sfLapply(1:niterations, sim)
total_time <- Sys.time() - start
# . Stop snowfall ----
# Results ----
# 'result' is a list of lists. Save this:
# save(result, file = "sim_result.rda")
# Extract results dataframes by string and rbind them
res <- lapply(result, function(x) x[[c('res')]])
resdf <- data.frame(rbindlist(res))
# Results summary
plotter <- resdf %>%
group_by(year) %>%
summarize(fit = mean(spawners),
lwr = quantile(spawners, 0.025),
upr = quantile(spawners, 0.975))
# Plotting
ggplot(plotter, aes(x = year, y = fit)) +
geom_line() +
geom_ribbon(aes(xmax = year, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr,
color = NULL), alpha = 0.40)
# Example 3. Multi-river simulation --------------------------------------------
# Simulate population size for randomly
# selected rivers and randomly chosen passage
# probabilities from a pre-defined list.
# Run simulations in parallel, saving age-structured
# output, but only for the final year of simulation
# Package load ----
# Set rng seed ----
# Parallel settings ----
# Get number of cores
ncpus = parallel::detectCores() - 1
# Initialize snowfall
sfInit(parallel = TRUE, cpus = ncpus, type="SOCK")
# Wrapper function ----
sim <- function(x){
# . Call simulation ----
# Define passage scenarios (ASFMC 2020)
passages <- list(
c(0.4, 0.80, 0.95))
passage <- unlist(sample(passages, 1))
# Run the sim
res <- sim_pop(
species = "AMS",
nyears = 50,
river = get_rivers(species = "AMS")[sample(1:length(get_rivers(species = "AMS")), 1)],
fM = 0,
n_init = runif(1, 10e5, 50e6),
sr = rbeta(1, 100, 100),
upstream = passage[1],
downstream = passage[2],
downstream_j = passage[3],
output_years = 'last',
age_structured_output = TRUE
# . Define the output lists ----
retlist <- list(res = res)
# Parallel execution ----
# . Load libraries on workers -----
# . Distribute to workers -----
# Number of simulations to run
niterations <- 1000
# . Run the simulation ----
start <- Sys.time()
result <- sfLapply(1:niterations, sim)
total_time <- Sys.time() - start
# . Stop snowfall ----
# Results ----
# 'result' is a list of lists. Save this:
# save(result, file = "sim_result.rda")
# Extract results dataframes by string and rbind them
res <- lapply(result, function(x) x[[c('res')]])
resdf <- rbindlist(res)
# . Summary statistics by passage scenario -----
resdf$river <- as.character(resdf$river)
# Sum population size and spawners across age groups
resdf$spawners <- resdf %>%
select(grep("spawners", colnames(resdf))) %>%
resdf$pop <- resdf %>%
select(grep("pop", colnames(resdf))) %>%
# Assign scenarios based on upstream passage
resdf$scenario <- 'No dams'
resdf$scenario[resdf$upstream==0] <- 'No passage'
resdf$scenario[resdf$upstream==.40] <- 'Current condition'
# . System-specific summaries ----
rivers <- resdf %>%
group_by(region, river, scenario) %>%
summarize(fit = mean(spawners),
lwr = quantile(spawners, 0.025),
upr = quantile(spawners, 0.975))
# . Coastal summary ----
coastal <- rivers %>%
group_by(scenario) %>%
summarize(fit = sum(fit),
lwr = sum(lwr),
upr = sum(upr))
# . River plot ----
rivers %>%
filter(region == "SI") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = river, y = fit, color = scenario, fill = scenario)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
xlab("River") +
ylab("Number of spawning adults") +
ggtitle("Southern Iteroparous Region") +
theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
# . Coastal plot ----
ggplot(coastal, aes(x = scenario, y = fit)) +
geom_point(size = 4) +
geom_linerange(aes(xmax = scenario, ymin = lwr, ymax = upr),
linewidth = 1) +
xlab("Scenario") +
ylab("Number of spawning adults")
} # }