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Function used to make habitat for rivers listed in get_rivers from the built-in datasets.


  species = c("AMS", "ALE", "BBH"),
  built_in = TRUE,



Species for which population dynamics will be simulated. Choices include American shad ("AMS"), alewife ("ALE"), and blueback herring ("BBH").


A logical indicating whether the custom habitat template is a a subset of built-in habitat datasets for the species indicated.


Character string specifying river name or NULL for custom river. If making custom habitat from an existing river in habitat (American shad), habitat_ale (Alewife), or habitat_bbh (Blueback herring), then river must be included in rivers from get_rivers for the target species. Otherwise, an arbitrary character string identifying river name is acceptable.


A data.frame with zero or more observations of 8 variables:

  • river Name of river

  • region Regional grouping, see get_region

  • govt Governmental unit at downstream terminus of habitat unit

  • lat Latitude at downstream terminus of habitat unit

  • lon Longitude at downstream terminus of habitat unit

  • dam_name Name of dam (if available) at downstream terminus of habitat unit

  • dam_order Order of dam at downstream terminus of habitat unit. Cumulatively assigned such that all habitat units upstream of a given dam all have dam_order >= 1.

  • Hab_sqkm Square kilometers of habitat within a habitat unit


# Select a subset of habitat from a single river
custom_habitat_template(species = "AMS", river = "Hudson")
#>    river region govt      lat       lon                      dam_name dam_order
#> 1 Hudson     SI   NJ 40.70670 -74.02608                           n/a         0
#> 2 Hudson     SI   NJ 42.75149 -73.68677             TROY LOCK & DAM 1         1
#> 3 Hudson     SI   NJ 42.82411 -73.66204     LOCK C-1 DAM AT WATERFORD         2
#> 4 Hudson     SI   NJ 42.87933 -73.67688 LOCK C-2 DAM AT MECHANICVILLE         3
#> 5 Hudson     SI   NJ 42.91211 -73.67873 LOCK C-3 DAM AT MECHANICVILLE         4
#> 6 Hudson     SI   NJ 42.93666 -73.65333    LOCK C-4 DAM AT STILLWATER         5
#>    Hab_sqkm
#> 1 65.466721
#> 2  7.044994
#> 3  4.840511
#> 4  3.735181
#> 5  3.122564
#> 6  2.586626

# Create a template heading that can be used to generate new habitat data
custom_habitat_template(species = "BBH", 
  built_in = FALSE, 
  river = "A fake river")
#>   river region govt lat lon dam_name dam_order Hab_sqkm
#> 1   NaN    NaN  NaN  NA  NA      NaN        NA       NA