Post-spawning survival
Function used to estimate post-spawn survival from proportion of repeat spawners by latitude (Leggett and Cascardden 1978, Bailey and Zydlewski 2013) and natural mortality by life-history region ("AMS") or by iteroparity and natural mortality ("ALE" and "BBH").
river = river,
species = c("AMS", "ALE", "BBH"),
iteroparity = NULL,
nM = NULL,
custom_habitat = NULL
- river
River for which post-spawn survival rate should be returned. Required argument with no default value. Available rivers can be seen using
.- species
Species for which population dynamics will be simulated. Choices include American shad (
), alewife ("ALE"
), and blueback herring ("BBH"
).- iteroparity
Optional argument for rate of iteroparity. Values from
can be passed directly to this function, or a numeric vector oflength = 1
.- nM
Instantaneous annual mortality. Values for natural mortality for life-history regions can be found in
, or a numeric vector oflength = 1
.- custom_habitat
A dataframe containing columns corresponding to the those in the output from custom_habitat_template(). NEED TO ADD LINK.
Bailey, M.M., and J. D. Zydlewski. 2013. To stock or not to stock? Assessing the restoration potential of a remnant American shad spawning run with hatchery supplementation. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:459–467.
Leggett, W., and J. E. Cascardden. 1978. Latitudinal Variation in Reproductive Characteristics of American Shad (Alosa sapidissima): Evidence for Population Specific Life History Strategies in Fish. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 35:1469-1478.