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Function used to simulate number of eggs produced per female (total fecundity) for river herring in rivers included in get_rivers.


make_eggs_rh(river, species = c("ALE", "BBH"), custom_habitat = NULL)



The river for which eggs will be simulated.


Species for which population dynamics will be simulated. Choices include alewife ("ALE"), and blueback herring ("BBH").


A dataframe containing columns corresponding to the those in the output from custom_habitat_template. The default, NULL uses the default habitat data set for a given combination of species and river.


A vector containing age-specific potential annual fecundity with length = max_age.


The default methods of alewife and blueback herring uses a stochastic, MCMC sampling approach to draw correlated sets of von Bertalanffy growth parameters from built-in vbgf_... datasets, length-weight regression parameters in link{lw_pars_rh}, and length-fecundity relationships from Sullivan et al. (2019) to simulate the number of eggs per female within genetic reporting groups (region).


Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. 2024. River herring benchmark stock assessment and peer-review report. ASMFC, Arlington, VA. URL:

Sullivan, K.M, M.M. Bailey, and D.L. Berlinksky. 2019. Digital Image Analysis as a Technique for Alewife Fecundity Estimation in a New Hampshire River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 39:353-361.


make_eggs_rh(river = "Upper Susquehanna", species = "BBH")
#>  [1]  65215.36 149340.66 217867.63 263289.02 290644.45 306344.98 315132.67
#>  [8] 319985.91 322647.07 324100.61 324892.87 325324.21