Project population
Function used to project population forward one time step using vector multiplication.
project_pop(x, age0, nM, fM, max_age, species = c("AMS", "ALE", "BBH"))
- x
A numeric vector containing age-specific abundance at end of year t.
- age0
A numeric vector of length one containing number of new recruits at end of year t.
- nM
Numeric vector of instantaneous natural mortality.
- fM
Numeric vector of instantaneous fishing mortality.
- max_age
Numeric indicating maximum age of spawning fish.
- species
Species for which population dynamics will be simulated. Choices include American shad (
), alewife ("ALE"
), and blueback herring ("BBH"
# Example usage
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Simulate a population
n_init = 1e5
max_age = 13
nM = .505
fM = 0
pop = make_pop(max_age=max_age, nM=nM, fM=fM, n_init=n_init)
# Project one time-step without reproduction
new_pop = project_pop(x=pop, age0=1e5, nM=.505, fM=0, max_age)
# Difference should be about zero
# because age0 - n_init
new_pop - pop
} # }